Ten Things to Know About Me

Ten Things to Know About Me


I was in band for seven years, it was the most excruciating seven years of my life that I would never take back for anything. My senior year I was even able to be the band captain and a featured soloist in the marching band show all at the same time.

I play flute and I love it, it’s a great way for me to burn time and still feel like I am being productive. It’s also super relaxing and really helps to clear my head.

flute-009flute picture

I also play piccolo and when I say “also” I mean I basically play them at the same time because I had to switch back and forth every three seconds when I was in band.

If their was only one food left in the world it would have to pasta because it’s basically the only thing I eat.

To go along with loving pasta, I can’t stand tomatoes or tomato sauce or anything that has tomatoes in it (except pizza, because who doesn’t like pizza.) I basically can’t even touch them they bother me so much.

My favorite thing to do is nothing, I love curling up in bed with my computer and just watching Netflix and not talking to anyone all day long.1280px-netflix_logo-svgNetflix Logo


My biggest pet peeve: my bad eyesight. The funny thing is I don’t even have that bad of eyesight, I mean you  don’t want me driving without my glasses but I can see a lot better than some people.

I’m a little bit, almost,mostly, 100% OCD, I can’t think if there is any semblance of a mess in my space, and don’t get me started on my rule and regulations for entering my perfectly clean bed (they’re extensive…)

I love Pokemon and don’t mean Pokemon go I mean the actual video games I have only been playing for a year or so but I am so hooked I can hardly put them down.  Lugia and Manaphy are clearly the best.

1manaphyanimc3a9Manaphy Picture 

My favorite show is not “Star Trek“(Amazon Prime) but that does not keep me from being a huge Trekie I love everything about it, my favorites are the original series(1966-1969)and the new movies(2009,2013,2016).

Word Count: 370

The featured photo is a picture that I took.

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